2528 S. Campbell, Springfield, MO
Hours Tuesday-Friday
​9:00am - 3:00pm
​Hair Replacement.
Hair Replacement Specialist in Springfield
Just imagine having a full head of hair within hours...
At the Mane Maker, we treat each client with the confidentiality one might expect from a physician, Our hair restoration specialists can instantly show both men and women what they will look like with a hair addition during the initial private free consultation.
The Mane Maker, a family-owned business, has been providing hair replacement services in Springfield, Missouri since 1982, Using human hair for men and women who are prematurely thinning, balding, or just want more hair. At the Mane Maker, we also specialize in Cancer patients and burn victims' hair loss.
Just imagine having your hair replaced within just a few hours!
You will love what can be done to give you that full head of hair you desire. Step back in time and let that hair shine.
Call For A Free - No Obligation - Consultation Today!
For that beautiful hair, you always wanted - The Mane Maker, located at 2528 S. Campbell Ave in Springfield Missouri is the place!